NASA's Technology Taxonomy
The NASA technology taxonomy is used to manage and communicate an extensive and diverse technology portfolio in aeronautics, science, and space. In this taxonomy, TX# corresponds to a research category. Below are short summaries on each of the 17 categories.
TX01: Propulsion Systems
This category is divided into four main areas of propulsion systems: chemical space propulsion, electric space propulsion, aero propulsion, and advanced propulsion. It also focuses on the need for integrated systems that provide additional launch vehicle and in-space propulsion functions (mechanical and propulsive systems).
TX02: Flight Computing and Avionics
This category is divided into three main areas: avionics component technologies, avionics systems and subsystems, and avionics tools, models, and analysis.
TX03: Aerospace Power and Energy Storage
This category is divided into three main areas: power generation and energy conversion, energy storage, and power management and distribution.
TX04: Robotic Systems
This category is divided into six main areas: sensing and perception, mobility, manipulation, human-robot interaction, autonomous rendezvous and docking, and robotics integration.
TX05: Communications, Navigation, and Orbital Debris Tracking and Characterization Systems
This category is divided into seven areas: optical communication, radio frequency, internetworking, network provided PNT, revolutionary communication technologies, networking and ground based orbital debris tracking and management, and acoustic communication.
TX06: Human Health, Life Support, and Habitation Systems
This category is divided into six areas: environmental control & life support systems (ELCSS) and habitation systems, extravehicular activity (EVA) systems, human health and performance, environmental monitoring, safety, and emergency response, radiation, and human systems integration (HSI).
TX07: Exploration Destination Systems
This category is divided into three areas: in-situ resource utilization, mission infrastructure, sustainability, and supportability, and mission operations and safety.
TX08: Sensors and Instruments
This category is divided into three areas: remote sensing instruments/sensors, observatories, and in-situ instruments/sensors.
TX09: Entry, Descent, and Landing
This category is divided into four areas: aeroassist and atmospheric entry, descent, landing, and vehicle systems.
TX10: Autonomous Systems
This category is divided into four areas: situational and self awareness, reasoning and acting, collaboration and interaction, and engineering and integrity.
TX11: Software, Modeling, Simulation, and Information Processing
This category is divided into six areas: software development, engineering, and integrity, modeling, simulation, information processing, mission architecture, systems analysis and concept development, and ground computing.
TX12: Materials, Structures, Mechanical systems, and Manufacturing
This category is divided into five areas: materials, structures, mechanical systems, manufacturing, and structural dynamics.
TX13: Ground, Test, and Surface Systems
This category is divided into four areas: infrastructure optimization, test and qualification, assembly, integration and launch, and mission success technologies.
TX14: Thermal Management Systems
This category is divided into three areas: cryogenic systems, thermal control components and systems, and thermal protection components and systems.
TX15: Flight Vehicle Systems
This category is divided into two areas: aerosciences and flight mechanics.
TX16: Air Traffic Management and Range Tracking Systems
This category is divided into six areas: safe all vehicle access, weather/environment, traffic management concepts, architectures and infrastructures, range tracking, surveillance and flight safety technologies, and integrated modeling, simulation and testing.
TX17: Guidance, Navigation, and Control
This category is divided into six areas: guidance and targeting algorithms, navigation technologies, control technologies, attitude estimation technologies, GN&C system engineering technologies, and technologies for aircraft trajectory generation, management, and optimization for airspace operations.