TX17: Guidance, Navigation, and Control

Taxonomy Category Summary

This taxonomy category is divided into six areas: guidance and targeting algorithms, navigation technologies, control technologies, attitude estimation technologies, GN&C system engineering technologies, and technologies for aircraft trajectory generation, management, and optimization for airspace operations. Guidance and targeting algorithms primarily constitute the development of robust, reliable and computationally efficient mathematical algorithms for the functions of on-board or ground based computation of desired reference space system flight paths and/or attitudes (vehicle orientation) required to meet mission requirements. Navigation technologies primarily constitute the development of robust, reliable and computationally efficient mathematical algorithms for the functions of flight/path/orbit/trajectory state estimation. This focuses on onboard and ground-based navigation algorithms, navigation sensors (gyroscopes, LIDARs, radars, etc.), relative navigation aids (LED targets, RF beacons), and rendezvous, proximity operations, and capture (RPOC) sensor processing, processors, design and orbit determination. Control technologies primarily constitute the development of robust, reliable and computationally efficient mathematical algorithms for the functions of autonomous exo- or endo- atmospheric flight path/orbit/traject control and/or space system attitude/attitude rate control. This consists of onboard and ground-based maneuvering/pointing/stabilization/flight control algorithms, dynamics analysis, modeling and simulation tools, control force/torque actuators, GN&C actuators for 6DOF spacecraft control during RPOC. Attitude estimation technologies primarily constitute the development of robust, reliable and computationally efficient mathematical algorithms for the functions of autonomous space system attitude/attitude rate state estimation: onboard and ground-based attitude/attitude rate state estimation, and attitude estimation sensors (star trackers, gyroscopes, etc.). GN&C system engineering technologies cover technologies for developing GN&C architectures and fault management systems and providing and improving the testing and verification of these systems. This area also covers vehicle flight dynamics and mission design tools/techniques, system identification, end to end modeling and simulation, flying/handling qualities, and onboard and ground-based terrain and object simulation, mapping and modeling software. Finally, technologies for aircraft trajectory generation, management, and optimization for airspace operations covers technologies for strategic and tactical management of air vehicles (algorithms, onboard and ground-based software, etc.).

Research Affiliates

Below are our faculty affiliates whose research fall under this taxonomy category.

Fathi Ghorbel TX04, TX10, TX12
Anastasios Kyrillidis TX02, TX04, TX10, TX11
Lydia Kavraki TX04, TX06, TX10, TX11