About the Laboratory for Space & Astrophysical Plasmas
LSAP brings together solar, space and astro-physicists to advance our understanding of plasma physics in the universe. Utilizing laboratory experiments, observations, theory, and numerical models, we explore common plasma-physical mechanisms in a variety of astrophysical regimes. Areas of interest include solar and stellar activity, the magnetic interaction between stars and planets, (exo)space-weather, comparative Heliophysics, turbulent and/or relativistic plasmas and particle acceleration.
An important goal of the Laboratory is to foster stronger links between space physics and astronomy/astrophysics by identifying and developing joint areas of research.
Dr. David Alexander Director, Rice Space Institute |
Dr. Matthew Baring Professor of Physics & Astronomy |
Dr. Stephen Bradshaw Professor of Physics & Astronomy |
Dr. Anthony Chan Professor of Physics & Astronomy |
Dr. Patrick Hartigan Professor of Physics & Astronomy |
Dr. Andrea Isella Assistant Professor, Physics & Astronomy & EEPS |
Dr. Christopher Johns-Krull Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Dr. Megan Reiter Assistant Professor of Physics & Astronomy |
Dr. Patricia Reiff Professor of Physics & Astronomy |
Dr. Frank Toffoletto Professor of Physics & Astronomy |