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Benjamin M. and Mary Greenwood Anderson Professor of Engineering, Department Chair

Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Associate Professor, Statistics,
Associate Professor, Computer Science,
Investigator, Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Baylor College of Medicine,
Faculty Director, Rice D2K Lab

Victor E. Cameron Chair in Engineering,
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Professor, Statistics,
Professor, Computer Science

Professor of Biosciences


Professor of Physics & Astronomy

Professor, Psychological Sciences

Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy

Professor, Department Chair- Earth, Environmental & Planetary Science


Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Professor, Bioengineering and Mechanical Engineering

Isabel C. Cameron Professor of Bioengineering,
Chair, Department of Bioengineering

Stanley C. Moore Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Professor, Biomedical Engineering,
Professor, Chemistry,
Professor, Physics and Astronomy,
Director, Smalley-Curl Institute,
Director, Laboratory for Nanophotonics

Professor of Physics and Astronomy

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor, Asst. Professor, Physics & Astronomy and EEPS

Noah Harding Professor of Computer Science,
Professor of Bioengineering,
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
Director, Ken Kennedy Institute

Noah Harding Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Senior Fellow in Science and Technology Policy |
Professor of Physics and Astronomy Emeritus


Andrew Hayes Buchanan Professor of Astrophysics

Fellow in Science and Technology Policy

Stanley C. Moore Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Professor of Computer Science & ECE

Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Malcolm Gillis University Professor,
Professor of Bioengineering,
Director, Rice 360° Institute for Global Health

William Marsh Rice Trustee Chair, Assistant Professor

Department Chair,
Founder, WARP

Professor and Allyn R. & Gladys M. Cline Chair, Department Chair

Vice Provost for Research,
Ralph and Dorothy Looney Professor of BioSciences

Assistant Professor

Professor of Computer Science,
Professor of Electrical Engineering

Professor of Bioengineering,
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Professor, College Magister, Martel College

Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy, Computer Science

Karen Ostrum George Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Engineering

Associate Teaching Professor

Assistant Professor

Space infrastructure as a service
Secure and trustworthy space infrastructure

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry
Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering

A.J. Hartsook Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Professor, Chemistry and Materials Science and Nanoengineering
Director, Carbon Hub

Kenneth S. Pitzer-Schlumberger Chair
Professor of Chemistry, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Director, Center for Adapting Flaws into Features (CAFF)

Associate Dean for Faculty Development;
William M. McCardell Professor in Chemical Engineering;
Professor, Materials Science and NanoEngineering

Associate Professor of Biosciences

Professor, Materials Science and NanoEngineering
Associate Department Chair

Chair, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering;
Tina and Sunit Patel Professor in Molecular Nanotechnology;
Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Civil Environmental Engineering

George R. Brown Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering;
Director, NEWT Center;
Member, NAE

Charles W. Duncan, Jr.-Welch Chair;
Professor of Chemistry and Electrical & Computer Engineering

Associate Research Professor;
Executive Director of the Smalley-Curl Institute

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Executive Director, Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering;
Adjunct Professor, Management - Entrepreneurship

Research Professor

Associate Professor;
Chairman of the Undergraduate Committee

Chair for the On-Campus Observatory

Co-Chair for Graduate Admissions and Recruiting

Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy

Professor, Physics and Astronomy;
Department Chair

Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Dean of the Wiess School of Natural Sciences;
Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Karl F. Hasselmann Chair in Engineering and Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Chair, Applied Physics and Professor, Physics & Astronomy
Professor, Materials Science & NanoEngineering

Associate Professor , Electrical and Computer Engineering

Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy