Upcoming RSI Events


Upcoming Public Night at the Campus Observatory

The next Rice University Observatory Open House will be Monday February 24, 2025, hosted by Professor Patricia Reiff, with observing on the Brockman terrace from 6:30 until about 9:30 pm. Sunset is early and Saturn and Mercury are ONLY visible from about 6:40 - 6:55, so come early if you want to catch them. Jupiter and Mars will both be up and will be bright. Bring warm clothing! Note - if you have a west-ward looking balcony or roof observing location, you can see Mercury getting higher in the western sky each day just after sunset but Saturn is getting lower and harder to spot. On the 28th, the Moon will be between them at sunset!

For more details and any late-minute changes, please check


Location: Brockman Hall for Physics (NOT FOR OPERA), observatory deck (4th floor). Elevator (and bathrooms) are on the east wing of the building.

Parking: the closest parking is in the "North Lot", between entrances 20 and 21. Use a credit card for entry and exit. Less expensive parking in the Greenbriar lot, west of the stadium.

Weather: Take a look before you come… if you can’t see brilliant Venus in the west, you probably can’t see much from the observatory. Backup day will be Tuesday but right now Monday looks the best. Enjoy!!