Taxonomy Category Summary
This taxonomy category is divided into four areas: situational and self awareness, reasoning and acting, collaboration and interaction, and engineering and integrity. Situational and self awareness technology integrates, identifies, and evaluates both the state of the environment and the state of the system and focuses on sensing and perception for autonomous systems (force and tactile sensors, LIDAR, etc.), state estimation and monitoring, information sources about the environment or the system, hazard assessment, analyzing data to identify trends and events, and anomaly detection. Reasoning and acting technology analyzes and evaluates situations for decision making and for directing actions to achieve a goal or mission. It covers areas such as mission and activity and resource planning and scheduling, motion planning (generate or modify path/trajectory), execution and control, fault diagnosis and prognosis, fault response, and learning and adapting. Collaboration and interaction technologies support two or more elements or systems working together to achieve a defined outcome. This includes collection, assembly, sharing, and interpretation of information and intent among elements, forecasting actions of other elements, goal and task negotiation, and systems operating in a manner consistent with expectations of all elements. The engineering and integrity area covers design considerations, processes, and properties necessary to implement autonomous systems: and validation, test and evaluation, operational assurance, modeling and simulation, and architecture and design.
Research Affiliates
Below are our faculty affiliates whose research fall under this taxonomy category.
Ashutosh Sabharwal | TX02, TX05, TX08 |
Fathi Ghorbel | TX04, TX12, TX17 |
Lydia Kavraki | TX04, TX06, TX11, TX17 |
Angela Wilkins (Ken Kennedy Institute) | TX03, TX04, TX06, TX07, TX08, TX11, TX12 |
Devika Subramanian | TX06, TX11 |
Moshe Vardi | TX02, TX11 |
Ang Chen | TX11 |