lehnhardt lecture

Event Date:

Thursday, October 21th

6:30pm (CST)

Online: https://riceuniversity.zoom.us/j/91277490042?pwd=djlNcXJ3b2FyTmpjMzlFdmFsRG84QT09


Speaker: Kris Lehnhardt

KRIS LEHNHARDT is the Element Scientist for Exploration Medical Capability in the Human Research Program at the NASA Johnson Space Center. He is also an Associate Professor at the Baylor College of Medicine in the Center for Space Medicine and the Department of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Lehnhardt is board-certified in Emergency Medicine in both Canada and the U.S.A, and he works clinically in the Emergency Department at the Ben Taub Hospital in Houston, TX.

Please state the nature of your emergency: preparing for medicine on Mars.